Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 1st IOHSK conference was held virtually.
A total of 36 presentations (oral and poster) were presented.
Dr. Thom McKenzie Research Award Winners
Taemin Ha, University of Northern Colorado, USA
Brian Dauenhauer, University of Northern Colorado, USA
Lorin Donovan, Syracuse University, USA
Elizabeth Janowitz, Syracuse University, USA
Jordan Jacob, Syracuse University, USA
Jared Rosenburg, Syracuse University, USA
Jeremy Park, Syracuse University, USA
Joon Young Kim, Syracuse University, USA
Faculty Excellence Award Winners​
Min Hyuk Kwon, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, USA​
Joon Young Kim, Syracuse University, USA
Allison Smith, University of New Mexico, USA
John A. Mercer, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, USA
Dongwoo Lee, Gwangju National University of Education, Korea
Brian Dauenhauer, University of Northern Colorado, USA
International Scholarship Award Winners
Leutrim Sokoli, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Granit Ahmeti, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Adonis Ahmeti, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Kadishe Shabani, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Visar Fejzullahu, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Edon Slimi, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
2020-2021 Equipment Assistance Grant (EAG) Award Winners
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 1st IOHSK conference was held virtually.
A total of 36 presentations (oral and poster) were presented.
Dr. Thom McKenzie Research Award Winners
Taemin Ha, University of Northern Colorado, USA
Brian Dauenhauer, University of Northern Colorado, USA
Lorin Donovan, Syracuse University, USA
Elizabeth Janowitz, Syracuse University, USA
Jordan Jacob, Syracuse University, USA
Jared Rosenburg, Syracuse University, USA
Jeremy Park, Syracuse University, USA
Joon Young Kim, Syracuse University, USA
Faculty Excellence Award Winners​
Min Hyuk Kwon, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, USA​
Joon Young Kim, Syracuse University, USA
Allison Smith, University of New Mexico, USA
John A. Mercer, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, USA
Dongwoo Lee, Gwangju National University of Education, Korea
Brian Dauenhauer, University of Northern Colorado, USA
International Scholarship Award Winners
Leutrim Sokoli, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Granit Ahmeti, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Adonis Ahmeti, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Kadishe Shabani, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Visar Fejzullahu, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
Edon Slimi, Tempulli College, Kosovo​
2020-2021 Equipment Assistance Grant (EAG) Award Winners

Mission & Vision Statements
The IOHSK’s mission is to promote the professional growth and achievement of professionals, professors, scholars, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, and practitioners in the related fields of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering professional excellence. The followings are specific mission and vision statements of the IOHSK.
(1) Strengthen the professional and academic commitments to the related fields in Health, Sports, and Kinesiology.
(2) Provide all members of the IOHSK with an equal opportunity to get involved in various professional and academic activities, including leadership developments, committee services, presentations, publications, workshops, and events.
(3) Encourage the increased involvement of the professional and academic activities and programs.
(4) Promote and share improvements and advancements in the quality, usefulness, and contributions of professional and academic activities through conferences, publications, presentations, workshops, and special events.
(5) Provide all members of the IOHSK with a platform to get together for exchanging communication, sharing information, disseminating professional and academic research, and collaborating on various activities, professionally, academically, and globally.
(6) Provide and maintain equal opportunity in all activities to all members of the IOHSK, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, marital status, age, national origin, nationality, disability, genetic information, and military or veteran status. ​
The IOHSK is managed and operated as a Non-Profit Organization 501 (c)(3), with a clear and promising vision for the commitment, contribution, communication, and development of professionals in the field of Education, Health, Sports, and Kinesiology. The status of the Non-Profit Organization 501 (c)(3) was (a) approved and established on April 23, 2020, by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), (b) the California Secretary of State on May 1, 2020, and (c) registered in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, CA on May 21, 2020. The official name of the Non-Profit Organization is "Xplore Nations, Inc." to promote and contribute educational and cultural services to the local, national, and international communities. The Xplore Nations will have two distinct divisions in terms of the status of a Non-Profit Organization, 501(c)(3):
(a). Educational Division: Professional organization and journal publication
(b). Cultural Division: Disseminate and present cultural performances (e.g., Korean martial arts, dance, and sports to the communities).
Members with membership fees, publication processing fees, donations, and/or gifts to the IOHSK and JOHSK can deduct their contributions from their tax report under TRC Section 170 as a "public charity organization".